Newsletter Archive
03/07/2022 - Introducing CNDP Senior Timothy McMahan King
04/01/2022- Vote YES on The MORE Act Today
04/13/2022- Support the Opening of Overdose Prevention Centers
06/17/2022 - Legalize Fentanyl Test Strips
01/28/2021 - Am I the One With the Stone?
03/13/2021- "Broken Windows" or Healing Lives?
03/14/2021- "Broken Windows" or Healing Lives? - REVISED
05/04/2021- Addiction and the Road to Damascus
09/01/2021 - America's Longest War?
10/05/2021 - Addiction, Religion, And Recovery
12/30/2021- A Ray of Light in a Dark Year
12/31/2020- A Star to Guide Us in 2021
11/12/2020- When Poverty Becomes a Crime
10/05/2020- "Will Oregon Be the First" - REVISED
09/30/2020- Will Oregon Be the First?
06/15/2020- How We Can Seize the Moment
04/29/2020- Covid-19 is Not the Only Disease All Around Us. Jesus Did Not Ignore it. Neither Should Churches.
03/11/2020- In the War on Drugs, How Can Faith Leaders Reduce Harm?
01/15/2020 - A 2020 Vision
12/06/2019- New from the Front: How and Where Drug Reform is Changing
10/29/2019- Silence in Churches Drives Away Victims of Addiction
09/19/2019- "My Healing Began in Prison"
08/27/2019- Is Addiction a Disease, Sin, Learning Disorder, Crime?
08/05/2019- To Love Our Neighbor is to Know God
06/19/2019- Canada is Saving Lives, The U.S. is Lagging Behind
06/03/2019- Illinois Resets the War on Drugs
05/28/2019- Social Equity and Marijuana for Illinois
05/09/2019- Jail and Bail: Secret Tools of the Drug War
04/18/2019- Clemency in the Age of Trump
03/26/2019- Policing Like it Ought To Be
03/04/2019 - Most Saw Addicts as Lepers; Howard Moody Embraced Them
02/12/2019 - "People Who Use Drugs Do Not Deserve to Die"
01/24/2019 - Decriminalization Fails To Offer Justice Or Safety
12/19/2018- With Mercy and Compassion, Harm Reduction Saves Lives
11/20/2018- Private Prisons from the Inside
10/30/2018- On Election Day, Just Say No to the War on Drugs
10/12/2018- Michigan Clergy Back Marijuana Legalization
09/10/2018- Prohibition Harms the Least of Us
08/21/2018- Waiting for Medical Marijuana: "O Lord, How Long?"
08/02/2018- No More Half Measures: We Need Real Reform
07/10/2018- Marijuana Reform in the Bible Belt
06/14/2018- Good States, Bad States? Its Not Who You Think
05/21/2018- What's Your State's Grade in the War on Drugs?
04/30/2018- Challenging the Opioid Crisis with Marijuana
04/12/2018- Profiting from Misery: Private Prisons
03/29/2018- An Easter Message: Police Chiefs Offer New Hope
02/27/2018- Support for Supervised Injections: Compassion Gaining Ground in U.S.
02/02/2018 - Doctors to Lawmakers: Legal Pot is Not a Threat
01/15/2018 - Martin Luther King Jr: A Call for Economic Justice
12/22/2017 - Teach, Preach and Outreach: Welcoming 2018
12/07/2017 - Rick Steves: Legal Marijuana in the U.S. and Europe
11/17/2017 - Drug Education Students Will Believe
11/03/2017 - The Call for a New America
10/09/2017 - Yom Kippur and the War on Drugs
09/21/2017 - Legislators Listen to Law Enforcement on Marijuana
09/07/2017 - A Spiritual Response to the Opioid Crisis
08/17/2017 - Why Decriminalization Matters
08/05/2017 - Decriminalizing ALL Drugs: A Milestone for Reform
07/11/2017 - Harm Reduction Takes Another Step Forward
06/20/2017 - Fighting for Medical Marijuana ... Again
06/02/2017 - No More Drug War - Is This Possible?
05/11/2017 - Seizing Property: Grinding Down the Poor
04/26/2017 - Cannabis and Judaism
04/13/2017 - New Models for Policing
03/23/2017 - Pathways to Legalization in Connecticut
03/06/2017 - Reform Civil Asset Forfeiture in Illinois
02/22/2017 - Transforming the Debate on Drug Policy
02/08/2017 - Little Known ACA Achievement Threatened
01/25/2017 - Criminal Justice and Reform
01/05/2017 - With 2017 Upon Us ...
12/21/2016 - Christmas and Hanukkah
12/08/2016 - The Compassionate Jesus
11/23/2016 - Thanksgiving Reflection
11/10/2016 - Giant Strides for Marijuana
10/26/2016 - Clergy Voices on Marijuana
10/12/2016 - Justice and Reconciliation
09/28/2016 - Harm Reduction: Meeting People Where They Are
09/14/2016 - Marijuana and Evangelicals
08/31/2016 - Harm Reduction Gains Support in Chicago
08/10/2016 - Changing Laws, Restoring Lives
07/22/2016 - July 2016: Parties and Platforms
07/08/2016 - Fouth of July: From Beaches to Blight
06/15/2016 - Marijuana in Illinois: A Better Law
06/02/2016 - June E-Newsletter: A New Dawn in Ithaca
05/17/2016 - Mid-May Update: Correction
05/16/2016 - Mid-May Update: An Open Letter to the Bishop of Rhode Island
05/02/2016 - May Newsletter: Visit to a Supervised Injection Site
04/15/2016 - Tell Your Senator: Reform Mandatory Minimums03/29/2016 - An Easter Invitation: Come to Vancouver
03/15/2016 - The Drug War from an Islamic Perspective
03/01/2016 - March Newsletter: Harm Reduction and the Season of Lent
02/16/2016 - Taking Our Campaign to Texas
02/01/2016 - February Newsletter - Good News From Vermont
01/19/2016 - Dr. King and the War on Drugs
12/21/2015 - Ending the Drug War, Healing Our Communities: Cops, Docs, and Clergy Speak with One Voice
12/03/2015 - December Newsletter
11/03/2015 - War on Drugs: A Muslim Perspective
10/28/2015 - Pennsylvania Organizing Update
10/05/2015 - Treatment Not Jail
08/31/2015 - Vetoing the Commission
07/01/2015 - A Significant Milestone
06/24/2015 - Ending the Drug War is a Jewish Moral Imperative
05/28/2015 - Diversion: The Quiet Revolution
04/29/2015 - Needlessly Ruined Lives